Friday, June 8, 2012

I've always been a beauty product fiend....but more recently, my love of everything nails has somewhat taken over.  I'm a crafter....more specifically I have crafters ADD.  I can't stick to one thing for too long or I get bored.  But painting is something I have loved for a long time now.  I have two little ones (3 and 5) and pulling out my canvases, easel and paints is a chore, that normally ends in me being too tired to actually be inspired.  So I turned to my own ten little canvases and discovered a whole new world of painting.

I am going to apologize for the quality of my pictures.  I stared with taking them on my phone, and even my camera leaves something to be desired, but I will do the best I can.  I am always looking for ideas and inspiration, so if there is something you would like to see, let me know!  Here is a bit of picture spam to introduce what I do....  

I have more pictures to share and have an etsy store selling hand painted nails, but I will get to that.  For now, I'm off to figure out how to make this blog pretty!!!  I haven't been on here in ages and blogger has changed quite a bit!  Hope you enjoy!

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